Asset Division
Maryland and Washington, D.C. Asset Division Attorneys
When a couple enters into divorce proceedings, determinations will need to be made regarding the division of property. There are concerns about the primary residence, second or third homes, bank accounts, retirement funds, income, and other assets. At the law office of Cohen & Hertz, PC., we represent divorcing clients in property division matters. We understand that this is an often contentious part of the divorce, so we work hard to settle property division in an informed and effective manner. Contact an asset division lawyer today to learn more.

Property Division and Stay-at-Home Spouses
When one spouse does not work, there is often concern about how the property will be divided in a divorce. When a couple is married, any income earned or assets acquired during the marriage are considered marital property (with a few exceptions). This property is subject to equitable property division in divorce, which calls for property to be divided fairly but not necessarily equally, as determined by a family law judge.
Asset Division Lawyers
The asset division lawyers at Cohen & Hertz, PC., are highly experienced in family law and divorce legal matters. We thoroughly understand the legal process of property division, developing creative strategies designed to get clients the property they are rightfully due. Our asset division lawyers advise clients in choosing legal options that will put them in the best financial position possible.
Contact a Property Division Lawyer
During your initial consultation, we can talk about property division laws in Maryland and Washington, D.C., and how they will affect your divorce. Contact one of our attorneys today and ask about our free initial phone consultation. Evening, weekend, and same-day appointments are available.